How to Print High-Speed Perfect Small Boats

Our Small Boat Tuning Achievements

K1/K1 Max Random Data 16min Gcode Small Boat

1280X1280 (1)

Antarctic Bear PK 15min Small Boat

K1 Preheat Promotion 11min40s Small Boat

K1 9min55s Small Boat

The above time calculation rule is from the start of the first layer printing to the end of the last layer printing.

Racing Rules

Material Requirements: PLA, PLA+, PETG, ASA, ABS, or ABS+
Maximum Nozzle or Line Width Size: 0.5mm
Maximum Layer Height: 0.25mm
Must use 3 top layers and 3 bottom layers
Must use 2 walls and 10% infill

Adjust with Orcaslicer slicing

Machine Limitations


XY Maximum Acceleration Limit: 30000

The acceleration and distance formula is S=1/2at². The larger the acceleration, the shorter the time the machine accelerates to the target speed, and the shorter the acceleration distance, which can save printing time.

Jitter Speed

Jitter speed limit: 500

Jitter speed here refers to the angular velocity. When the machine changes speed direction, its angular velocity can be restricted, allowing it to turn without deceleration, saving printing time. For specific principles, refer to the Klipper kinematics documentation.

Material Settings

Volume Speed Limit

The volume speed calculation formula is: Layer height x Line width x Printing speed x Correction factor. For example, the volume speed of a 300-speed print is: 0.2x0.4x300x1=24mm³/s. To break through the 300-speed limit, the maximum volume speed must be set very high.

Minimum Layer Cooling Time

The minimum layer cooling time is to ensure that each layer has enough cooling time. If the printing time of this layer is less than the cooling time, it will slow down. For racing small boats, fast printing is required. With auxiliary fans and model fans, this parameter can be adjusted according to the actual situation.

Printing Configuration

Layer Height and Line Width

Adhere to racing rules, use a 0.5mm line width and a maximum 0.25mm layer height for slicing.

Wall Settings

Following racing rules, use 2 walls, 3 top, and 3 bottom layers.

Speed Settings

Acceleration Settings

Jitter Speed Settings

The machine’s default jitter speed is 10mm/s.

Other Challenging Features

Hanging Speed Reduction

n normal printing, the three speeds are 10/10/20. When racing small boats, these can be adjusted based on cooling conditions, but always pay attention to whether the speed changes at the hanging points meet expectations.

Small Features

Among them, the ship windows and chimney features test parameter understanding. Here, you can use small feature forced speed reduction.