What is important to consider when printing Hyper ABS on K1C or K1max?
Which built plate we should use? How does it have to be prepared (glue)?
Is there a tutorial for the K1C Hyper ABS printing? Do’s and Don’ts?
Do you use Plate A or Plate B for ABS? Is Maggio neccesary?
I successfully printed the Creality Hyper ABS with the standard profile “Hyper ABS” with the Creality Slicer on my K1 Max. I used the Creality A Plate for this. However, I would recommend that you increase the Z-offset value (I personally use 0.05-0.1 for ABS). When I printed with 0 for the first time, I had problems getting the part off the printing plate and I got it destroyed in the process. And also spray my plate with the 3DLAC. Is a spray that improves adhesion and prevents wrapping and when it has cooled to below 30 degrees after printing, you can remove the part from the plate without additional tools or spatulas. Only to recommend the spray, also for other types of filaments.
And what I also noticed is that you actually print ABS without a component cooler, but with the Creality Hyper ABS I noticed that with cooling the quality was perfect, but I had no warping and the adhesion of the individual layers was also perfect. My cooling setting is 70% component fan and 0% the side fan. But I would recommend not starting printing until the chamber temperature is at least 40°C and I always have the print bed temperature at 80°C.
How do you heat the chamber to 40°C?
Basically with the print bed. Switch it on manually to 80 degrees Celsius 10-20 minutes beforehand. You can also leave the fan running, then the warm air will be distributed evenly throughout the chamber. If you need to go faster, you can also switch the bed to 100 degrees to heat up the chamber, but I don’t like doing this because the print bed then warps again and your bed level may no longer be correct. I would also recommend that you re-level the bed for each temperature range in which you print.
Thanks for the tipps, will give it a try
All right, I would be happy if you let me know the result.