I lost my K2 extruder spring. Anyone know the dimensions of the spring?

So, while disassembling my extruder, the spring on the front shell launched itself into oblivion and cannot be found. Would anyone with a K2 be willing to put some calipers on the spring in their extruder so I can find a replacement? I noticed that creality sells a whole front shell replacement kit, but it would be nice if I could save a little bit of shipping time and just get the spring on amazon or something.


John k2 extruder dimensions is 0.6x6x15mm

You can order it on amazon

sourcing map Compression Springs (0.6x6mm OD,15mm Free Length) 10Pcs, 304 Stainless Steel Extension Spring - for Shop Home Repairs, DIY Projects, Silver Tone Amazon.co.uk

Tips you dont lost it again glue a spring on clip side so it will not fly when you service the extruder again in the future.


Awesome! Thanks a bunch!