Image Engraving On Wood

I am trying (and failing) to engrave a photograph on to 3.6mm Ply.
I have tried several different settings and am not getting any where - does anyone have a good set of speed / power / dpi settings I could start with. I have been using 4000mm/m X 40% power with a DPI of 250, I have also selected image mode of Jarvis.
Image was done using ImagR.
Any help is much appreciated.
I have a Falcon2 22Watt machine.

What does “not getting anywhere mean”? No image, light image, dark image? What type of plywood? Some are harder, others are soft wood. Does the image look OK after it’s processed, but before cut?


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So the image is coming out very dark as you can see in picture, I am using 3.6mm ply wood - I have tried to process the image in Imag-R and also separately on Lightburn (Jarvis) but can’t seem to get the starting power or speed right

I am using 3.6mm ply. The image looks fine when processing (either on Imag-R or through Lightburn directly using Jarvis) but just engraving very darkly - I can’t seem to get settings right either speed or power

I have a Falcon 2 Pro 22W. For most plywood, I use 6000mm/min with power @ 40%.

Don’t forget to set distance.

Import the Falcon 2 profile if you haven’t done so yet. The speed and power also depends on the wood type and color. Doing a material test if you have a spare piece would be the best way to figure it out.