In Creality Print 5.1, how do i add a raft that prints only under object.

I tried to add a raft just under an object, but it extends out from it. How do I make it just print under that object. WIth cura, its pretty easy, and has an offset for how far out you want it. I don’t see this in creality print 5.1.

Hello @pleats …! :wave:

Welcome to the Creality Forum…! Creality

In Creality print these are the settings I use to adjust the raft. Not sure if this is what you are looking for though…

These are I believe the default settings for just the raft. No brim or anything yet…

This is the result:

Changing these settings:

Results in this:

Try zero for “First layer expansion”

You’ll have to play around with those and see what works for you… :+1:

I tried that, but same result.

And oddly, at the bottom, there was no raft, but extends above on the top.

Not sure what settings you have but it should work as I show in the pics…
Change raft layers. Experiment with it…

You might have the brim setting on…?