Installing direct drive gives me a thermistor alarm

I installed the creality direct drive on my under three printer. When I turn power on it goes straight to thermistor alarm. Everything is wired correctly and everything is brand new. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. Please help

Can we have a bit more clarification of which printer model? Guessing an older Ender 3 if you have fitted direct drive.

Yes this is an Ender 3. I have actually tried two brand new direct drives from creality and both have done the same thing.

The direct drive shouldn’t affect the thermistor. Have you overtightened the thermistor retention screw? It should only just hold it in place, tightening it too much will cause errors, back the screw off it might fix it but be prepared to get a new thermistor they are easily broken.

future upgrade perhaps?

This was a complete unit with thermistor and everything already there. It just replaced the head that it came with. Thermister hot end and everything was wired into the control panel just the way the other one came off. But I can’t get the alarm to quit. When I turn on the machine it says it’s negative 14 degrees on the hot end when the thermister isnt connected to the board. As soon as i plug in the thermister it alarms

I keep spare thermistors as they do break that easily. I would try another.

Thank you for your quick responses. Thermistors are cheap and I’ll go ahead and get a couple and have some on hand and try that. I’ll let you know how it worked out. Again thank you very much.

Hi all

Tony, I am facing exactly the same problem. I got a new direct drive for christmas and after installing I’m getting temperature problems, either thermal runaway or -14º for hotend and critical error when attempted to heat up. I checked all connections, made sure the thermistor screw was ok and even returned the direct drive and ordered a new one, with same results. If i move back to the original bowden extruder the printer runs smoothly.

I’m usign an Ender 3 with v4.2.7 motherboard and Marlin 2.06. No other hardware upgrades.

Please tell me if you were able to fix the issue. Thanks!

Checked your esteps, the direct drive might have a different ratio, causing a problem? I know when I fitted direct drive to my Ender 5 plus it was way out, but never had a thermal issue just massive underextrusion. Clutching at straws.

Hi all

I was able to fix the issue although i have no idea of what i really did. I took out the thermistor just to check it was ok and then mounted it back. Then the issue dissapeared and i was able to calibrate the printer, which is running fine so far (currently printing a benchy for testing). I think the problem was the screw that holds the thermistor, somehow dismounting and mounting it back fixed a wrong connection or something like that.

Hope this helps you

Overtightening the thermistor screw is a problem, it can cause an error.

I got one of my printers running without the thermostat alarm. But now it only printed half a project and then quit feeding. It was printing beautifully so it seemed to be calibrated correctly but now it just feeds down and up down and up down and up. I can push filament through without any resistance at all when it’s heated up and I’ve changed the tip. It is all very frustrating

Broken wire. Fixed and thank you