K1 - Exhaust fan runs even when disabled in Creality Print or on printer itself

I am working on printing with ABS and ASA.

Because of this, the chamber temperature needs to be much higher than PLA.

However, no matter where I set the exhaust fan to be off, it always runs during a print.

The firmware is the latest and Creality Print is the latest:
Creality Print:

My workaround right now is taping a piece of paper over the exhaust fan but it would be nice if turning off the fan actually worked.

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If you are talking about the rear fan, it has a minimum temp setting to reach; if you don’t want it on, then set it for 70C.

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Where do I set this?
All I see in filament settings in Creality Print is speed during printing and speed after printing.
In device options in Creality Print, the rear fan is disabled.
There is no option for any fan speed when configuring the print itself in Creality Print that I can find.
On the printer touchscreen, the speed is set to 0.

I don’t see anywhere to set the rear fan temp.

Edit: Is this the enforce chamber temp option?
Even if that is not enabled, why in the world would the printer not respect ANY of the other rear fan settings saying to turn it off?

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I don’t use Creality Print, but I set mine via rooted Fluidd interface.

Example: I have a thermal preset for ASA, nozzle 180, bed 100C, chamber 70C.

The print profile has the nozzle set for 255 first layer, then 245.

180 setting is close to the bed probing temp.

uncheck the box “keep fans always on” in filament settings at tab “cooling”.

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That setting is under the part cooling fan and thus should have no effect on the rear exhaust fan unless there is a bug in the program.

So if I turn on the option “Activate temperature control” for the chamber settings, it still turns the fan on at 100% but at least it will let me turn the fan off during the print on the printer’s touchscreen.

Still a bug.

Think I got it figured out. Looking around I found another post where somebody mentioned resetting to factory settings after updating the firmware.

I did that and it now looks to be working as expected.

Don’t remember seeing any documentation stating that you need to reset to factory defaults after a firmware update.

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You don’t have to reset to factory defaults.

You have to turn off active temperature control because otherwise the exhaust fan will turn on when it is above the chamber temperature.

Also you can uncheck the boxes
-auxiliary part cooling fan
-support air filtration

I originally had active temp control disabled as well as the aux cooling fan and air filtration disabled.

Plus, it even turned on even when the chamber temp was set to 70c. It never saw above about 45c.

Something was glitched and after a factory reset it seems to be working properly.

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Yeah, strange behaviour but great for you to have it working again.