K1 Max ASA first layer problem

having a strange problem with ASA on first layer.

getting allways such “waves”.

used different filaments, did bed leveling, cleaned the plate,
tested with different z-ofset’s, different first layer height but
more ore less allways the same result.

230C nozzle
90C bed
120mm² speed

For a textured plate you can lower the nozzle to -0.05 in printersettings (a textured plate needs lower z offset for better adhesion)

for Asa Filament it is

recommended nozzle temperature at 260 degrees celsius
recommended bed temperature at 100 degrees celsius
recommended chamber temperature at 55 degrees celsius

door and lid need to be closed.

also the speed you use can do but recommended is between 50 and 100 mm

can you show us the results after using above settings

I print on both my K1s daily with ASA. My settings are:

Bed 100C
Nozzle first layer 255C, all others 245C
O% part fan, except for bridging.
0% side fan.
Chamber fan set for 70C, my chamber temp reaches a max of 55C while printing.

The only difference is I have upgraded my bed to a 6mm thick aluminum tooled bed, 500-watt AC silicone mat heater, and using Nano-polymer on my bed plates.

My bed setup reaches 100C from 25C in 60 seconds.

Just ask if you want the sources.

would be great if you share the sources for your bed.

Not trying to hijack this thread but just wondering if that plate resulted in a flatter surface in the leveling.?

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You could try it first a sample size is just $5US.
nano polymer adhesive sample

OK took me a while to do further testing.
now i have
bed 100 C
nozzle 250 C
zOffset 0.1
all fans off
chamber 50 C

this is the result:

it is better now but still far away from perfect.

i think my main problem is the realy uneven bed at 100 C

i mad the four screws from the bed adjustable by silicone buffers,
but i think the “hill” in midle of the bed my cause the problem.

if i print one single layer i can see over and under extrusion at the same time.

out of ideas now, looking forward to get a “stonger” bed to avoid the bulk in middle
by higher bed temperatures. if if level the bed with 50 C it looks a lot better.


Here is my results after the bed upgrade I talked about in my previous post.

All is more then in range so that’s definitly not the problem.

I think your Z offset needs to be adjusted like I said in an earlier reply.

i have tryed to set offset in 0.05 steps and ended at 0.1.

as written the first layer has section’s witch look like overextrusion and
others witch look like underextrusion. at this point i am out of ideas, what else
can i do than bed leveling?

my actual bed mesh display’s a range of 0.9179 mm but the four corner’s
are within 0.1 mm.

You need to set your offset at -0.05 and not at +0.05. (you ended at +0.10)

So try again and set it at minus

sorry my fault, i am at -0.1


You can put Ironing at “on” type “all top surfaces” and flow ironing at “15%”, Only one wall at topsurfaces checked.
seam on closest corner.
and scarf joint seam at contour and hole, scarf length at 10 mm

offset at -0.05
Nozzle at 260 degrees celsius please and fans off
forget bedleveling that is not the problem

good luck