K1-MAX Bed stuck and misaligned

The bed became tilted after finishing printing and returning to the starting position at the bottom. It is now stuck and misaligned. Motor drivebelts are ok. Was printing with ABS. Was higher temparature the cause ? How to have this fixed ?

How to have this fixed ?

I would check connections to the stepper motors.

Maybe one worked loose somehow even though the factory puts glue on them… ??

I will check.
But I wonder how to get this alligned again.

Creality Service Tutorial

K1 Max. Manual Bed Leveling

In checked the the stepper motor for the vertical lifting of the bed. There is only 1 motor (in the back) who drives the back pillar and the front left and right one. The belts are all ok. So I have another theory why the bed is disarailled. I was printing ABS and saw the bed temperature = 100c. I guess due to the high temp the bed expanded in size and blocked a fromt pillar.

You could be right about that. That temp is high.

The 100C setting was a standard ABS setting from Creality Print 2.

Got it… :+1: You are right. That is the default setting…

I meant it was high compared to PLA settings.

I haven’t printed with ABS yet but that’s something to watch for…