I recently bough a K1 max. I had a failed PETG print that starting a rabbit
hole of problems that include ringing, uneven layers, layers separating and over all print quality has disappeared.
I have replaced the extruder( petg got jammed in original extruder and broke plastic gear.) upgraded hot end, messed with lubricating xy axis and zrods. I also have messed with belt tension. Returned to factory setting, self checked. Nothing seems to help! Looking for suggestions
For PETG at a textured PEI plate you need to lower the nozzle to let say -0.05 in advanced printersettings.
You can print PETG with this machine at 255 degrees celsius with the plate at 70 or 80 degree celsius
Only other cause is the flowrate you can test that by a patterned flow test and read the value that you have to fill in at the filament PETG (so it overwrites your standard value when printing PETG.