K1 Max - Z axis oval circles and uneven resistance to pull on Y-axis


I have a couple of questions concerning K1 Max and would be thankful for some advice:

  1. When I push or pull printing head along Y-axis on an unpowered printer, I feel a considerable change in resistance near the center of the axis, as if the bearing encounters a strong manget, or falls into some cavity. Is this by design to center the head? Or is it an issue that should be investigated? Should the resistance be even across whole Y-axis length?

  2. Printer does oval circles squeezed along Z-axis. I know, than FDM printer ofter struggle with this because of layer height and nozzle diameter, but I get about 0.2 to 0.4mm less diameter on Z-axis circle even with proper layer settings. Any advice where I should check?

Thank you in advance,


same issue here… try to rotate the guide rods… in my printer it looks like one of them is bend and because of the variing distance the block that slides along “jams”