When I insert the USB into drive the printer and you select USB the screen after a brief time displays “Machine Starting”. After the message it goes back to home screen and will not let user to select next print. The slot (USB) worked for about 2-3 weeks then this problem surfaced. Have tried to use a different USB drive with same result.
Have you been updating to the latest firmware versions?
Some USB sticks have custom file systems that the Creality custom Linux OS may not recognize. Also, I wouldn’t recommend leaving a USB stick in the K1 USB connector since I have found that mine gets the stick very hot over time.
If it doesn’t work, try a different or smaller USB stick with .gcode print files on it.
Have tried other USB it gets a loading icon for 5-10 seconds then the message “Machine Starting” flashes then back to default screen will not allow me to select a file.
It worked fine for two or three weeks then the issue above started there has been no power issues on the grid that I know of and it had finished a print then waited several hours until I got up in the morning checked the print removed it and after cleaning the sheet I attempted to begin a new print and then this issue arose leaving me at a stand still.