K1C delivery delays

I ordered a K1C 3D printer on the 2024-11-30.
On the website, when ordering, the time for delivery is said to be 3 to 8 days.
42 days later (1.5 month), the order status is still “awaiting shippment” and Creality give no further information about the reason for the delay and the real estimated delivery date.
Anyone else facing the same disappointment ?
Any tip to share with the community to make Creality meet its commitment?

Hi @bruno64,

I ordered the K2 in June 2024 as a preorder. It was supposed to arrive sometime in October, but I received an email from Creality stating there would be a delay, and the new delivery date is November 15, 2024. That was fine; I expected a small delay… but now it’s almost February, and I still haven’t received it. The status hasn’t changed since December 10th, showing “Out for Collection.”

How long have you been waiting for the K1? Did you receive it? Do you know the reason for the delay?


Hi @MadMario,

I have been waiting the K1C for Two month now (60 days). My order was past on the 30 of November and it is hasn’t been delivered yet.

I did not recieve it because Creality did not provid me the tracking number. The status shown on the website was “awaiting for shippment” without any tracking number until yesterday, The status changed to “shipped” with a tracking number allowing me to track the shippment. The parcel reached a place near mine at at the very beginning of december and was sent back to creality in february because I couldn’t set a date for delivery without the tracking number. I informed Creality yesterday about this tracking data that they did not provid to me despite my questions by Email. I hope that creality will now be quick to sent it again and that they will inform me about the tracking this time.

I hope that you will revieve yours or an equivalent (if not available anymore) soon !
