K1C destroyed the buildplate... after many successful prints

Creality K1C

What could have gone wrong… i printed a Pokemon figurine and had the support Z height set to 0.38 - it worked well.
Creality Print

I cleared the build plate and started a new project, selected the standard Creality profile as i did not need support, dragged 13 keyrings onto the build plate and used the Auto option to space everything out, all still looked fine.

I sent the print and selected to match the settings and do the alignment/bed level, i didn’t notice anything wrong until the print head moved closer to the camera and i though… what is it doing, looks like spaghetti, could it be? I stopped the print and went to investigate (printer in a different building to me) and the photos show what i found, the build plate is destroyed and the print head scraped everything from the initial line it runs down the side to the prints underway.

Have ordered a new build plate, hope the nozzle is still ok…

Any assistance will be highly appreciated!

Honestly Im not too skilled to klnow if its a print issue but i do know 6.0 is buggy all around. Have you tried in 5.7?

I don’t know the reason why, but the z-offset has dropped way too low and gouged the bed. Turn the plate over, recalibrate and try a print with a big wide skirt that you tune the z-offset into. Going to be a hands-on approach to getting this to print right.

Thank you optix!
I have not tried 5.7 - i do not see it listed on creality.com - the “latest” Windows version listed is Creality_Print-v5.1.6.10470, other than the version i am using (checked the K1C page too).

Once i had the new build plate, i did both the Self-Checks, then i printed the Benchy and it all printed fine.

Since then i have run several jobs, including some ABS, and everything is running smoothly although i don’t yet trust the printer again so i am there to see every job start…

ps ABS on the PLA plate is not really advisable! I thought it might not be but that’s self inflicted…

Thanks Bonfireman,
The build plate has that rubber strip on it so can’t turn it over, i did buy a new plate and the printer seems to be working properly, just have to rebuild the trust - i must say though, i am very impressed by the K1C - compared to the CR10S Pro (which in my opinion was not Pro… that’s another story though). Creality did redeem themselves with this printer - i swore never to by another Creality printer!
Much appreciation for the assistance, i will play around with your suggestion over the weekend to see what i can do, for now… it’s working great again.
Have a super day!

Don’t understand this part, I thought the build plate was the standard PEI steel plate that fits onto the magnet.

@Bonfireman the K1C build plate has a hot end cleaner at the back of the plate, built in. You can see it at the top of the first photo the OP posted. You can’t flip the plate because then it would be propped up on this little cleaning bar.

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The standard build plate supplied with the printer (and the Creality replacement i bought) has the nozzle cleaner rubber strip built in.