K1C filament tube track bumping against top lid

Not sure the proper name for the trash that the filament feeder tube is contained along with the wire to the printer head. I have noticed that it hits the left side of the lid of the printer. As a result prints that take the head to the left side are having issue with consistency. This is shown on the calibration of maximum flow test.

![IMG_4346|375x500](upload://kLppMipnOHtHW4qKmcMz44IB2ly.png) ![IMG_4344|375x500](upload://fcJ8eLOYP7Ujhi5kJRAu33WNp5o.jpeg) ![IMG_4343|375x500](upload://wqlKJv7PYxQM2erWSfSCN1xYoiW.jpeg)
Shown with lid off to demonstrate how much over the track goes. I would like to keep the lid on though and I have some bigger prints to do.

Is there any discussion or advice on how to get the track working better and keeping the head from hitting the side of the lid? I think that when it does I am getting the ribbing. Now it is possible that there is some other explanation, but the ribbing is only happening at the left extreme side of the printer plate.