K1C Noisy Fans

Hello All,
I used some ABS with my K1C and got very good results. I changed back to Hyper PLA and noticed the noise difference from the fans. Has anyone tried Hyper PLA without the fans?
Is there a way to slow the fans and if there is has anyone tried running H-PLA with reduced fan speed?
The reason I’m asking is that if I need to print something I can’t do it while my wife is there as the noise would drive her crazy. (we share an office)
Not only the noise but it sounds like it’s using a lot of power so she wouldn’t be happy. (are they ever) :grinning:

Put the printer somewhere else. :slight_smile:

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Yeah thought about that. :grinning:

The wonders of WiFi, I have mine in another room, I can keep an eye on it with the camera as it prints.

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Yes I could carry it out to the garage so I can run my CNC router at the same time. :grinning:

There’s bound to be a fan muffler adaptable to the K1C.

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It seems that I hadn’t imagined it. There are settings for the fan speeds:

Another post a guy said he runs at 50% fan speeds with great results He didn’t say where the settings could be found though.
Time to start poking around I suppose.

May I ask what type of bed plate you are using with Hyper-PLA on your K1C ? Are you using the A plate + glue stick ??

Hi Ian,
Bear in mind that I’m new to the K1C so I’m no expert.
I saw a youtube video where a guy said to use the B type plate with no glue so that’s what I’m currently doing.
I’ve used Hyper PLA and ABS and so far they both work very well.

The fans can be controlled (in theory) under Manage Filaments, under the tab Cools
Screenshot 2024-08-19 093508

Screenshot 2024-08-19 093544

Thanks Pat.
I’ll take a look at that.


Thanks for your feedback - I only have the A plate. I think the Glue stick is a bit messy - will see if I can get hold of a B plate.

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You may still need glue on some jobs I suppose but I’ve not needed it yet.

Aloha Jimcad!
I understand your woes. Had a similar issue with placement and noise. I ended up swapping out the fans on my Ender 3 v2 Neo with Noctua replacements. You have to wire in a step down buck converter for the power, but it’s easy. The K1C may not require a voltage drop if it’s already at 12v, but pretty sure Creality uses 24v fans across the board. Can anyone confirm? The noctua fans are much more quiet.

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Try some cheap hairspray, I bought Suave MAX Hold from Amazon, recommended to me by a 3D printing veteran. It works great, and is MUCH less messy than the crappy glue stick that came with the printer. I clean the plates with 99% Isopropyl Alcohol, I can usually print two-three jobs before cleaning off the hairspray and starting over. I use the “B” textured plate much of the time with no glue, again after a couple of prints I clean it with Alcohol. Most of my printing has been PLA a few with PETG. I’m meaning to try ABS, but I haven’t done so yet.

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