The last few models printed on my almost new Creality k1c got a ribbed texture, although before that everything was fine, photos are attached below!
I made the manual adjustment of the heating table level according to the instructions from Creality support!
Nothing helps. Maybe someone has encountered this and knows how to solve it?
I tinkered with every setting I could imagine, and asked a bunch of people for suggestions and tried those. Nothing worked, I finally gave up!
Bottom line, I don’t know how to solve it, I personally solved it by changing to the Orca slicer!
Creality Print 5.0 on the left, Creality Print 5.1 in the middle, Orca on the right.
Orca prints with better quality, slices faster, and prints faster. I’m moving on and not looking back!
Thanks! I will try it, and give u feedback <3
You might want to try Version 4.3.8 of Creality Print. It lacks some of the features of Version 5.x, but it’s been my experience that it produces more consistent prints.
I have the same problem. I tought it was a setting i mised, but I will try an different Slicer then…