K2 bed level mesh - how?

Connecting a K1’s IP via the browser shows an additional bed level mesh.

Is there a way to get the same data from a K2?

I know that :8000 shows the video stream. Scanning the open ports on the K2 didn’t provide any further help. So I’m asking the community.

I just found the solution in an unrelated topic:

Use the printer’s IP in a browser and add “:4408” as the port, e.g.
This will connect to fluidd. Click on the “Tune” icon on the left. This will show the mesh.

…and yes my skills using nmap to scan the ports needs improvement :wink:

Mentioned this in previous post, maybe it works for you. Haven’t had time to implement. Try it, give us your feedback.

Has anyone here tried this yet. Curious to know if it helped with leveling?

Yes, I leveled my bed as ell because the rear left was at the far end of auto leveling.
It worked well and the macro really helps and speed up a lot.

p.s.: Just be aware that you need to copy in and edit macros again after firmware upgrades!


Another possible issue with this macro: If left front level is too wrong it tends to update all other screws but at some point one of the screws my run out of calibration range and then you need to do a manual re-leveling like described in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKrKXGRXfWs.
I find the outcome of this procedure a bit better and in most cases faster because I need mainly only 2 iterations.
Be sure if you do this that the bed is freshly adjusted on the bottom and nothing was in the print room when it does this calibration before first z-home after printer bootup with bed at bottom of printer!

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