Every time I print I get the simple right angle filament deposit before the print starts in earnest.
Sometimes I want the full flow ratio calibration, across the front of the build plate etc.
It is my understating that by selecting from the K2 screen / print settings / flow calibration it should do as I ask.
I do not want to do calibration test via CP6 but I just want this simple flow deposited when required. But I cannot achieve it.
Must PA be ticked as well ?
Call me dumb if I am but why does this not happen when ticked ? What am I missing ?
first you need to set it on in the printer screen( you already did i read). when you sliced the file. the menu where you send to the printer there you can set printer calibration on. hope this was your qeustion sorry for my bad englisch.
Dont know why it not al in the slicer. Need to go to the printer. Then the slicer then open fluidd to get more options. I think the can better make it compitabel with al slicers and open every setting with a prompt that it can be harmful for the printer.