K2 extruder motor not working anymore

Hi all,

has anyone ever had a problem with the extruder of the K2 not working - meaning the motor itself is not moving at all, while the extruder gears are perfectly fine ?

Creality Support isn’t any help at all.


I had something like this last night. I had a SM2788 error but could not find it online. I ended up just saying okay and clearing it, retracting the filament, extracting the filament, then running a calibration. Seems all good now.
Mine was stopped and said the filament was not flowing. Everything looks fine…Not sure this will help but just thoughts…and I am new so may not be any help at all.

Thanks for the info. Unfortunately there was no error message with mine, and the core problem is that the motor is not working anymore or the board which is responsible for the motor.

Sadly no help from creality support in figuring out what the problem might be

I know that Creality support is in Hong Kong (I think). Do we know what days/hours they are usually on the online support? I know if it late here in the states. Would be nice to know the best time to contact them.

Yes they’re in Shenzhen, i know thats why i use email only, they can reply whenever, but when they reply, their answers doesn’t help. Had several answers already, i can only hope someday someone with knowledge will answer…


had you installed the new firmware?

A few hours later, the extruder motor stopped working for me too. But not always, sometimes it still worked but then stopped again. At some point, nothing worked at all.

I got the error FO2837, but the extruder etc. was all clear.

In the end, I let the printer calibrate itself completely again, and since then it has been printing again without problems.

Well, the error occured even before the new firmware, also i installed the new firmware in the meantime, let it calibrate again, still not working.

I even reset to factory settings before in order to let him run his self tests, didn’t help, and in all this i never get any error message, the motor is just not working.

Hello HagTei,
Can I assume you have checked the cables associated to it ?
Carefully un plugging then plugging in again ?



well this is what do want to avoid, because they are not that accessible like on an old Ender 3 anymore.
K2s are so tiny and extremely hard to access, in this case i would wait for creality support to specifically tell me to do this.

Also the printer didn’t fall down nor have i shaken him rapidly by the neck, yet…

I mean, how probable are contact issues with cables (which do not move) on a 1 month old printer ?
I would exclude oxidization as a cause.

could be CP6 i upgraded firmware and also Creality Print since then ive not printed anything finished…CP5 seems to still works ok with the new firmware

My K2 is doing the same thing. I contacted Tech support through the chat feature. Had to provide multiple videos, but they are sending a replacement motor. first they were going to send a nozzle, I stated I could push filament through by hand with the nozzle heated so it isn’t a clog. Now we’ll see how long it takes. I can’t find anywhere to purchase one to get it sooner.


I would not rule it out. Changes in temperature ?


This sounds good.
Can you guide me to the chat feature?
Only found email so far, and they take way too much time for their replies.

Today unplugged the cable from the motor and from the little board in the print head, and reattached it. No improvement

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Then on the lower right is a blue circle for chat. it does come up with an automated ai. Type in “human service” to chat with a person.

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I am watching this conversation as I am in the EXACT same situation, except that I have not been able to contact support yet.

That little motor fan not working is very suspect to me. Makes me think that the whole thing might have overheated.

HI there. I am following this thread with interest, since I am experiencing the same problems. However I successfully ruled out the fan being bad by using the Fluidd interface ( YOUR.PRINTER.IP.ADDRESS:4408/#/ ) and manually activating the Extruder Fan (scroll all the way down on the dashboard, and look to the left for a sliding control)


the tip with the “human service” was golden, at least i could reach someone (within seconds) who created a ticket for me.

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Hi, while chatting to the support, i also asked about the little fan there, and they said:

The extruder cooling fan is primarily activated when printing with materials like ABS that require cavity heating. This is essential to manage the temperature of the extruder and ensure proper filament flow during printing While the fan may not be necessary for lower-temperature materials like PLA or PETG, it can still operate to help with cooling if needed, especially during longer prints or when printing with complex geometries that may trap heat.

So i wouldn’t worry, i also have never seen it ON

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My time zone must be horrible for support. At what time did you get to talk to them?