K2 extruder motor not working anymore

I am in the same situation as @HagTei here. I tried your process but motor just refuses to engage.

Sounds promising.
How do you downgrade the firmware?

I reached my “reply limit” ??? This forum is not a happy place.

In any case, I finally reached tech support. Make sure to reach out to them on UTC+8 time, they open at 9:00

So, I was sure that reverting to the November firmware was the fix for me, and it was for a couple of prints using the PETG filament that was failing after the new update. But, I’m now once again getting error CM2784. I can still print just fine with my Hyper PLA filament, really no issues with that at all. But, when I print with the Hyper PETG I get to around the second layer and then it quits with the “Extruder extrusion anomaly” error.

I’m guessing that like others that are having issues just getting their extruder motors to work, my issue is similar. It will work, but maybe the PETG filament is just tougher on it than the PLA and it fails after that first layer. This is really annoying. I will contact customer support, again, and see if they can send me a new motor… if that is actually the problem. Who knows.


Same here.
I tried the November Firmware and all seemed well at the start of my first print and then got the pause print with error CM2784. Are you having this issue with the CMS and the External reel? Like you, PLA is printing without issue. This is driving me crazy. This machine was perfection right out of the box for everything I threw at it. Hopefully the fix is straight forward. What is the best way to contact customer support?

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I dont have a CMS, so I just print from a spool holder.

Well, I got my first CM2784 with the PLA filament, so I guess the issue isnt exclusive to PETG. =( I’m thinking there’s just something wrong with the motor that extrudes the filament.

I haven’t had any with PLA to date, but I’m going to try the same file in PLA to see what I get.
I originally had this issue with the CMS, so I was thinking it might be part of the problem with the PETG being a bit more to feed through. I have tried it on the spool and had the same issue. Had printed a bit of PETG files with 100% success before this issue started and all the material I have used is Creality brand.

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Yeah this is definitely not related to CMS. I also had printed a bunch of prints with the PETG filament before. No issues until the firmware update, but now I’m thinking it was just a coincidence and the extrusion motor just happened to start dying at that time. Right now, it wont even extrude anything. If I manually tell the printer to extrude, I dont see the little gears on the right side of the extruder assembly moving at all. So I’m guessing that that motor is either completely or mostly dead as of now. I might try again tomorrow. Maybe a good nights rest will make it feel better.

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More data: today I replaced the nozzle with the spare one included in the box. After replacing it, it extruded perfectly and with no problems. I then calibrated and attempted to print. When the print started, nothing at all was being extruded, and also no errors showed up on the printer screen. So that’s where I’m at, sometimes the printer decides to extrude, and sometimes it doesnt. The problem is not the nozzle, not the print settings, not the filament. I can only guess that it’s the extruder motor.

I’m getting the dreaded CM2784 too when printing with PETG. Motor disengages and will not pull anymore filament. I just factory reset it and am currently printing with Hyoer PLA and it seems to be working. I sent a reality support an email days ago with no response and another yesterday explaining my frustration with this unit.

I switched from PETG to Hyper PLA last night and 2 prints failed in a row.

Hello, i received my k2 yesterday. Today I wanted to print a poop chute and got error cm2784 after 1layer orso printed ( 1%) i was on fw, i then saw here to revert to previous firmware , i did , but practically same result but now cm2788 error. These are the first 2 prints i ever started on the new k2, and cannot even get 1 print to finish things up. this is very sad, the first creality printer i have so many issues with . you would expect for a 1500$ system it works flawlesly, so dissapointed in creality right now


For reference, here’s what I get from my Clear Hyper PETG when the printer decides to actually extrude. Sometimes it just wont extrude. (this same model with same settings printed very well before the latest updates. Not saying the updates are the cause, just that that’s when the problems started) With the Hyper PLA I do get a better ratio of success and will sometimes even print a full model with no problems.

Mine also stops after 1 or 2 layers….

My issue has mainly been with the CR-PETG to date. I can get first maybe second layer and then error code (pretty much every code that has been listed in this thread and then some). It would usually stop with no filament extrusion. Had a chance to really watch the machine as it was doing it’s thing the other night with PETG and noticed how the nozzle seemed to push the material a bit and not leave a even first layer. I am new to 3d printing (this is my first machine) so any issue is a mystery to me right now. I ended up going into the Setting>Expert Mode>Z_Offset and lowered the Z-offset by .1mm. The layers started to print smooth and the periotic buildup around the nozzle stopped. I was able to finish a 5 hour PETG print. Going to try again tonight starting off with the Z-offset. I’m not sure that this is my only issue, but it seemed to clear things up for that print.
All that being said, this machine was flawless up to the new firmware update. It may be a coincidence, but why should I need to go in and adjust the Z-offset for this filament (Creality CR-PETG) where it had always worked per the printer settings. Like I said I am new to this, but it seems as though some of the filament parameters have been corrupt.

Here are some pictures of one my first layer failures.

I get this error every time when trying to print TPU, which causes the extruder to stop working. I have also had the extruder just stop working for no reason, without the error. So far, when it stopped, the only thing that’s worked is to just powered down the system for a while and come back, magically it works again. The K2 will either be the best thing Creality’s ever made or it will be the death of them, all depending on how, and how quickly they resolve these fatal bugs.

Just adding my name to the list. Had the K2 for about a week, a few PLA prints worked perfect. CR-PETG has been hit or miss. Finally adjusted profile to lower tool fan to 20%-50% and upped bed temperature to 80 and quality has gone up, but since firmware upgrade getting the same errors reported here. Checking the extruder and its not clogged, gears look fine. If I reset and try a print sometimes it works, sometimes it wont extrude or retract, and sometimes its giving me the servo errors.

I’ve been printing on my K2 Plus reliably until I tried printing with CR-PETG. I will sometimes get through a layer before it throws a CM2784 error. I have the latest firmware, tried different spools, used a filament dryer, disassembled extruder, etc., etc. No problem printing any other material, i.e. Hyper PLA, PC, ABS, etc, This printer simply will not print CR-PETG. Support is a blackhole.