K2 extruder motor not working anymore

Fans starts working when you print abs etc. 70°C is max temp of motor so it’s not the reason why printer just stop after first layer…


Yea same thing just today. Extruder stopped working after 1st layer and now doesnt move at all. Wont extrude. Nozzle is clear.

Ill try a recal and see what happens.

Sadly if this doesnt resolve ill just return this.
My ams is already down and waiting on parts and now for no apparent reason i cant print at all. What is going on?

It was doing so well

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I had a K2 printer that was behaving ALMOST exactly the same, except that it never ever extruded out of the box. NOTHING. However I also upgraded to firmware out of the box. Probably should have not done that. I had the extruder motor dead (or just ‘clicking’), nozzle and gears clean, and I also noticed the display stopped responding x,y,z,E after a while.

Well, if you notice I used the past tense. I “had” it. Because… I RETURNED THAT BUNDLE OF JOY.
However I also bought ANOTHER ONE from Amazon, and that one is working fine… so far. I have not upgraded the firmware on that one (it came with v57)

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Before trying the recal, unplug the printer and wait 5 minutes before replugging. Just to make sure all the temporary errors are cleared.

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I’m thinking that my best option might be returning it as you did. I was wondering how the return process was and how long you had to wait to get your refund.

You described my problems exactly with the extruder and the display. Unplugging, resets and downgrading the firmware didn’t fix the issues. Creality sent me a new hot end which did not fix the problem and now they want to send a new extruder and said to “check back in a week or so” to see if a tracking number is available yet. That makes me think it’ll be two or three weeks before I get it and I’ve already been down three weeks or so. My printer was operational for only a week.

I would like to buy a second printer for my shop that actually prints. Maybe I’ll come back to the K2 when the bugs are worked out. My other printer has worked flawlessly out of the box for a year so I might get another.

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I want to chime in here. Having these issues. After a while the extruder motor stops working. I tried three different PETG-CR (from Creality) fundaments and the print stops at the exact same place on the second layer. Using Creality print and the same gcode file for each print.

Get the 2788 error code.

After the failed print the extruder motor seems like it’s dead. When I shut down the unit (on/off button on back) it comes to life and will print again, but only for so long.

My amateur suspicion is that there is something in the gcode that makes the printer think the extruder is faulty and shuts it down as a safety precaution.

Now I’m printing with the supplied Hyper-PLA in blue and the print has passed the point where it failed for those three PETG prints.

All my PLA prints have been flawless so far but I’m bracing for them also failing.


In my case, the profile used for CR-PETG seems very incorrectly calibrated for the printer.

I used the same spool with my K1, and the print came out looking much clearer (it’s the transparent CR-PETG,) and there was some artifacting on the print from the K2 that I can only assume is from heat creep.

I wonder if it tries to overextrude the filament and then the extruder gets unhappy about it until you reset the printer.

But, in comparing the print between the K1 and K2, with the same file, sliced with the same settings in Creality Print, shows a major difference between the two prints.

K1 on the left, K2 on the right. Again, same filament spool and slicer settings.

When I have been using Bambu Petg translucent on my K2 I was getting the output like your K2. When I turned the case and side fans off in the filament configuration I achieved the output on your K1,
Hope this helps

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Thanks @Mrburns, I’ll try anything at this point. Creality support is having me go through the basics again and I’m at wits end with them.

Getting same issues with mine right out of the box and other than benchy have not had a successful print. CM2788 with clicking noise and earlier. CM2784 with Replacing extruder motor i bought online doesnt solve it. Tried extruding without any filament and also same error. Have taken extruder apart multiple times and verified no clogs. What is interesting is my extrusion gears dont have 4 green dots like what is pictured in videos and elsewhere? Built with wrong gears maybe?

Creality support is worthless, they respond in online chat but just send wiki links. I asked to create support ticket but they have not responded back in a week.

I think im just going to return this $1500 brick at the soonest.

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I returned my original K2 due to all these issues. I bought another K2 because so many people being successful with it, so I decided to try my luck again.

With the new one:

  • I have not updated the firmware. It came with V57 and so it shall remain for the foreseeable future.
  • I have printed Benchy with factory-provided white PLA. Perfect. Have not tried anything else due to travel. My next test will be with PETG
  • The extruder gears in my “new” K2 do not have the dots either… so do not read anything into that.
  • So far no CM errors
  • I have not tested any CP5 or CP6 software. I have just printed from the firmware provided files.

My luck reproducing these errors is extremely hit and miss. I was getting the problem very regularly with my Transparent Hyper PETG, but all of a sudden the problems went away. I have a feeling that maybe something that was going on was that my clear PETG was getting tangled in the spool due to having too much slack, and some filament was getting stuck under other filament lines causing it to bind. I started noticing that it was doing this, which I think could certainly cause what would look like a blockage to the software, and I’m not checking that it doesnt get tangled as I do my tests. So… it COULD be that that was my issue and since I’m watching it closely now and made sure it’s not tangling, the problem went away.

However, I’d like to know if anyone else out there with this same issue can check their filament spool and see if it could be getting tangled like mine. If so, try to untangle it and wind it up again, keeping tension on the filament so that it doesnt get any slack to cause another tangle. Then try to print again and see if you get these errors even with verified smooth-feeding filament.

I think this might also explain why I only saw these issues with the PLA, since I’ve never seen that tangle up like the clear PETG seems to do.

Hello all

got my printer Tuesday Jan 14 no damage at all UPS was perfect

did 2 prints with it flawless love the print BUT went to do the third print… got 15 layers in and got the error [CM2788] e step-servo hardware abnormal, please try again after resolving…

noticed with print heat at 220 I could manually feed filament PLA PLUS (Sunlu) nothing fancy

I could push filament by hand so no clogs…

I tool off the shroud and the extruder (3 screws) tried to push extrude or retract and the wheels on the extruder did not turn…

still could manually feed filament .

so with the extruder off and no filament loaded I powered off the printer (switch in the back)

and powered on again warmed up the print head to 220 again

manually pushed some PLA Plus though the nozzle no clog

then tried to use extrude buttons the extruder gears turned fine thought problem solved right

started another print went to bed

this morning came same thing printer stopped a few layers in same error CM2788

so not sure what to do

the hot end does not seem to the culprit as i an push manually some filament though the extruder into the hot end and out melted

any help is appreciated I have recorded videos**

What firmware are you running?

I am convinced that this is either a thermal shutdown or a firmware error.

I ended up buying another printer, another K2, which is working fine. Firmware on that is factory V57

Tomorrow I will print with PETG for the first time on my new K2. Wish me luck!


I factory reset. And reverted to firmware

And am starting the print again will see in the morning


I have now printed multiple PLA prints that have been perfect. Will try another PETG to see if the error comes back. I’m 100% convinced that there is something in the slicer that produces offensive gcodes for PETG.

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Yup! A bit into the second layer of the PETG print the error occurred again. Like clockwork.

Hello RoundaboutSkid,

So, what slicers have you tried so far ?
I hope not CP version 6.


Hello all. My update: I have been printing all day with Creality Hy-PETG without any issues.
As a reminder: I am on firmware v57 (from factory).

I printed more than 16 models at about 15 mins each. I sliced my models with CP6. I put them individually in their own plate, and I sent them to the printer from CP6. Only send, not print.
They now all appear at the folder icon of the printer display. I also made sure that in the FIlament menu at the printer, my filament was the Creality Hyper-PETG.

I am feeding from the side spool holder, not CFS.

One by one they have come out as perfect as I can tell - as a first-timer in 3D printer.