K2 plus Bed problems

Just got K2 Plus in today, and the first thing I noticed was one of the brackets holding the CFS was broken on the ride side. No biggy since its just a for transport purpose only. After getting the foam out and started working on getting the bed screws out that the right side cover would not stay down. Low and behold the posts that hold the hot plate to the rod mounts were broken. So now, the right side of the bed is free floating. Have yet to even plug it in. Very poor shipping from FedEx.

Poor casting too!

Same issue here did creality resolve it? I am having tough time with responses from them. Mine had 3 points snapped.

If you just received it, then send a email to sale@creality3dofficial.com. Include a picture the parts that are broken, the White lable with QR-Code on the back of your printer, and the order #. It took about 12-16 days to get the part replaced. There is also a video on Youtube to somewhat follow on replacing the rod mount.


Can you steer me in the right direction to the video I’m not having any luck finding it? I’ve hade the same problem all four are broke.

This video was posted after i figured out how to take the part out.

Dont fully follow the video, just a few steps and you can get the parts replaced. Dont remove the inside floor panel, instead remove the outside bottom panel. The smooth rods has a plate with 3 screws holding the bottom of the rod in place. (1 in the rod 2 on the plate) Remove either and the smooth rod will be free to remove the screw nut mounting seat (what they call it) Sadly i did not take any photos of the underside plate. I removed the 2 screws that are holding the plate in place, twist the plate like a screw. After that you can pull the rod to the bottom of the frame and take the mount off from the top of the machine.