K2 Plus Camera image in Creality Print

Hi, I have the following problem. The camera image that is shown in creality print has a strange haze on the left side. See attached photo. Looks like a kind of reflection from the inner LED light on the glass front door. Has anybody else the same experience and an idea how to solve it?

Hello @zitterbacke …! :wave:

Welcome to the Creality Forum…! Creality

Is there a protective piece of plastic left on the camera lens ?

Thanks for your answer.
I just checked again. There is no piece of plastic left on the lense. I‘m also not aware that any other protection than the small rubber cap was on the lense.

I had same problem multiple times on other (smaller) printer and always resolved it by cleaning the camera lens with microfiber cloth. It seemed I touched the lens when I grabbed some peace out of build room…

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The lense is as clean as it only can be. I’ve cleaned it several times with microfiber cloth. So that can definitely not be the cause of the problem. Maybe the camera needs to be replaced?