K2 Plus Clogging Stucking Feeding Issue

Everyone saw failure combos about k2 plus combo. For me too. Buyed from Turkey with pre-order and they sent me my printer. (first problem)But interesting thing is my printer was used.(smelled like a new). Open box myself, not opened before.
Second problem is clogging. in one day opened extruder for cleaning 6-7 times. Using creality slicer. Third problem is stucking (printer showing message filament is stucked in cfs or extruder gear or similar thing)
Also ptfe tube poop out many times. last time broke the tube connectors metal teeth. one teeth drop to cutter blades area and stuck blade to. Fixed by myself with printed part. Oh god not finished yet. I think one more major fail or problem about backside filament hub. Stucking left or right side when changing filament. if i pust little bit to other side and retry from menu continuing to print(again color change? do it again) New printer and searching spare part, can you find? absolutely not! Have not any guarantee? Sorry new printer? Not for me, my printer was used!!! Tested??? Not mentioning fw issues. K2 Plus Combo? yesss failure combo!!! are you crazy creality?
ps; using creality slicer latest version.

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Sorry to hear your having problems. We all appear to be having issues similar to yours.

I have worked out that I need to have these things as spares:
Replacement extruder
Change all PTFE tubes for Bambu or similar with 2.5mm ID
Spare nozzles
Spare Bowden connectors PC4-M6 and PC4-M10 black
Spare rear buffer
Spare filament cutters

The machine would be a lot more reliable if they sorted out the error handling in the firmware They acknowledged in the last release notes for CP6 . 1574 that gcode errors were causing some issues. Hopefully they will get better at firmware and software. At the moment its very disjointed.

With regard to the machine “being used”. I saw a video 2 days ago showing the factory assembly and testing.

Each machine is tested. They print a tower to prove everything. Its all human in there so yes they may not be as we like.

Why then if it passes test do we all get issues?

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Probably because there are actually numerous test that should be done but would take too long.
Also, printing a tower is one thing; packing it and giving it the treatment it is likely to confront when being delivered is another.


For test use not a problem. But you said extruder replacement, ptfe tubes nozzles and etc. Printer totaly print 7 and half day and %90 failed prints. why we need buy these things again? a lot of people experiencing same things. why not sending these parts creality? are we wrong these all people? actualy not asking you :slight_smile: we need hear our voice from creality.

Major, Major problem with Creality is that they chose NOT to make parts available until March 2025. That is just major failure of any company selling a new product.

All spares should have been in place like other manufacturers. It would have eased the pain some have suffered.

I’m a Bambu supporter and was happy to give Creality a chance as they kept on pushing that this is a major upgrade in the way they work. :slight_smile: When I read on the forums about “their history” I was worried.

Its likely to be my only Creality purchase.

When I go to print on my Bambu I have peace of mind. When I print on my K2 I always have to watch it, just in case. (and currently printing production for a few weeks on external spool as super reliable in comparison to CFS)

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CFS gear eating all filament i think. this can be sync issue about cfs motors? All filaments is newly opened from box. creality hyper or any is same results.

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This is really strange, I did not have that so unless my cutter was blocked and could not cut filament which then could not be pulled back.
Do you have this when pushing filament into printer or pulling it back?
In both cases you may have too much friction somewhere, or some PTFE not fully inserted into the slots.

all ptfe tube inserted correctly, controlling many many days. This happening usualy 3 and 4 th slots. Samething happens pull or push eating in a few color changes. When long filament compsumption is more stable(actualy cant say this because cant finish print :)) Tangled filament? no, because; take one spool from ams and insert to cfs and same situation. filaments have good condition. I will try put a part under cfs gear button 2,75mm height first, maybe gear very tight i dont know. maybe realy motor sync issue.

You may look @Fix the error messages coming up with your Creality K2Plus and Creality CFS
He seems to have some issue with the too tight feeder of CFS.

Not easy to find a roll of tubing anymore. It all seems pre-cut for certain printers. Is the PTFE tubes making that big of a proble? Right now I am struggleing with the print stopping after a couple layers and telling that there is an extrustion error. The print it has done looks great.

Bambu supply 4m rolls of PTFE tube

Okay, I Had been search on their site. After you spec’s the length, I now found 4000mm (same thing) for $9.99 per roll. Is it that much better than what creality used?

I have been having a problem getting prints to finish. The last two days I am getting and “Extrusion Anomaly” error. What has printed up to that point looked very good.

I am betting replacing the nozzle might fix the issue. I am not a print farm and do not print a huge amount and have changed the nozzle three times before in the last two months. I do not have an easy time unclogging the nozzle if that is the real issue.

I am getting pissed off with this printer. If I need something printed now, I can reply on my X1C, it just works. I probably stocked $1K of parts for it, but have only used a hot end or two in the almost three years and some worn out PTFE tubing on the inside of that printer, oh and a printer to AMS cable. That printer just works. It is fast for its day, not as fast as the K2, but in a way it is faster. I don’t have to try several times to get it to finish printing like I do with the K2.

Also when you pull the K2 nozzle to check it or try to clear filament out how do I replace the thermal compound. They barely give you enough with each nozzle to install it once. I have a large jar of white thermal grease for transistor heatsinks. I don’t know if that would work or not. I do not see thermal grease as a part to purchase.

Hello daveyk,

You should be able to find a tube of thermal paste as used for CPU/heatsinks on places like ebay and amazon quite cheap.


HI @daveyk
Have a look at this :-1: WARNING - K2 Hot end nozzle assembly can come loose. CM2784 - #5 by Mrburns

Yea, I did. The standard large jar of ThermalKote I have for transistors is only good up to 205c, not appropriate. So I ordered some Creality brand and a newer type of ThermalKot type (says for 3D Hot ends) off of Amazon. Thank you, for the advice.

Thank you. Those little screws are hard to get at. I ended up pulling the silicon boot off to do so. Mine are tight. My problem could be do to the thermal heat transfer paste or another fxcked up nozzle; I don’t know. … or I go back to the firmware the printer shipped with in December.