K2 plus multiple objects on plate fail every time

I’ve tried 4 times to print more than one object on the build plate at the same time. I’ve done layer by layer, and object by object. I’ve tried spreading the objects farther apart in hopes of less interference. Each time it has ended in a bunch of spaghetti. One time it was so bad, it all fused to the nozzle, and I had to pry the build plate away from the extruder.

If I print each of those objects individually, they succeed every time.

Anyone else having these issues, or anyone have any ideas?

I did a multiple part print today and it worked out well. You just need to make sure that the higher parts are printed last because of another bug in CP6: Printer head crashes into center object when printing sequence is by object

Otherwise it works well, just be sure if you set the plate to print by object you move one object slightly (to see the borders fit):

because only after that the slicer will rightfully slice the different objects.
p.s.: On the picture the red part is printed first, if the orange part yould be printed first the printer would crash into the orange part when he switches filament to the red one!
I painted in yellow approximately the path the print head would go on filament change and if any old part is in it’s way it crashes into it!


Thanks so much for your detailed response, I’ll give it another shot with your suggestions. I have since had 1 success with multiple objects, printing layer by layer, but I’m not sure why layer by layer was giving me issues before - too much part cooling in between layers, so layer adhesion was poor maybe?

If you mean layer by layer you mean normal printing of multiple objects with thge same process on one plate.
This was never an issue, I do that all day.
On prints which fill up a larger part of your plate make sure that print plate is:

  • Cleaned with IPA or glass cleaner
  • You run bed leveling (calibration without PA/flow rate if you have a defined filament)
  • Do not use too big or small layer heights (I run normally between 0.16 and 0.24, only for hueforge I run 0.08 but with first layer also @ 0.16). And keep it the same for the different objects!
  • Check the Z-Offset requirements of some filaments: Some of my PETG require a z-offset of 0.015-0.025

With that I never had a problem!
But if you need prints of different color this leads to too many color changes and therefore I use then the print by Object method to reduce the color changes required. I did that already since long time on my Qidi which had only manual filament change…