KE bed screws

I have two KE printers. To solve issues I have had to take them apart a few times. As a result, I need to order some bed screws/bolts. It is the big hex ones that hold the plate down. Can anyone identify the screws? I am thinking a M3 or M4 hex counter-sunk bolt. Thanks in advance.

M4x25 csk screws can be pozidrive or hex depends what you have they both work. My V3KE was supplied with hex and my V3SE was supplied with pozidrive…same bed, just depends what they had in stock.

Thank you. BTW, have you had any trouble with the automatic z-offset on the printer? I am finding that it is not always accurate.

What I do is let it do the initial automatic offset, I will then print with a nice wide skirt, say 5 wide. As that is printing I will manually adjust the z-offset to get it perfect. After that I turn off calibrate for every print so that it doesn’t overwrite what I have just perfected. Been printing perfectly for months, I often don’t even bother to watch the first layer going down it has been that stable.

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DIN 7991 M4 x 25 mm