Key 2529 Leveling Sensor

Just got my Ender3 V3 plus…what a beast! It worked right out of the box, printed every time and fast. Until today, 10 days after receiving it I get “Key 2529, Leveling Sensor chip abnormality, sensor damage or environmental impact”. The bed will not level, the extruder never touches the bed and it is dead in the water.

I removed the front cover “fan” just to see if maybe I could fix it - NOP! they went high tech, have no idea where that sensor is.

I went to the Creality website, they must sell it there, if I see what it looks like maybe I could tinker with it…not there…not that page…where do they sell the parts for the Ender3 V3 plus???

Getting support from Creality is like winning the lottery, no one picks up the phone all I got was to send an email and still waiting on a reply. Meanwhile the brand new machine is dead.

Got an update for you…I contacted Creality by Messenger and they sent me new sensor parts for my Ender 3 V3 Plus, it is working once again. I am very happy because this printer (for me) is worry free printing. It just works! Let’s hope that this sensor lasts more then 10 days.

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Hi one of my Ender 3 V3 Plus just started having this issue. It doesnt touch the bed any longer during leveling. Honestly it started happening after I updated the slicer profile in Creality Print.

Where the sensors the strain gauges under the bed?

Here is the link for the video how to replace the sensors…and yes they are under the printing bed.
I would recommend unplugging the ends on that little motherboard, remove the glue like the video shows…clean and inspect the contacts for no bent contacts, plug them back in gently.
No need to remove the 4 contacts on the corners of the table.

Hope this works for you for now or until the sensor could be replaced.

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Thank you :nerd_face: I used FB messenger as you suggested and they are sending me a new sensor plate. A little work but hopefully resolves the issue.