Klipper ender 3 v2 Neo

Hello, I’m relatively new to 3D printing, but I already have a generic 3D printer currently running with Klipper, so I’ve gained quite a bit of experience. I would like to put Klipper on my other printers (ender 3 v2 neo) with a Raspberry Pi. First, I wanted to know if there is already firmware created for this model or if I have to create and upload it myself. And secondly, I want to know if there is any firmware available to use the screen once Klipper is installed so it doesn’t become useless.


You are best making your own firmware relatively simple just follow the settings at the top of the printer.cfg to make. I can send you a copy of the required firmware from my system but it’s best if you can folllow the guide and make your own and you occasionally have to build a new one from time to time.

As for the screen I have seen a project that can make the v2 screen work with klipper on GitHub. It involves using the gpo pins to send new signals towards the screen but isn’t anything to write home about and better off pulling the screen off and getting a screen that works on your pi and installing klipper screen.

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You can easily build off of a basic klippered neo firmware already, so yes there is one but you will have to set it up for your printer still though! :slight_smile:

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