I have a CR Laser Falcon 10W + LaserGRBL
I use Inscape to design and export png format file or simply save in svg format.
In both case (png or svg) , when engraving there’s a gap between the frame of the object and the fill of it.
I attached a picture of the result.
Can you please help to understand the root cause and to fix it.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Im having similar issues with my 40w laser. I have squared my frame loosened and tightened every screw ive seen every expert do in videos. No one has responded to my post here. My last resort is to try to calibrate my machine in lightburn. I havent tried it yet, off to the store for a digital caliper, but i figured i’d share the video i found with you. Fingers crossed this is the fix we need.
Was this done with line and fill??
My get around is to use image.
Takes a lot longer but at 78 I’m in no hurry.
Hi Breonna, thanks for your suggestion.
I tightened every screw and particularly the screw on the laser block. The output looks much better now even if it’s not yet perfectly aligned. I don’t know how far I can tighten these 2 screw.
I will make other test in the coming days.
Thanks again for your help.