Latest K1 Max Firmware Update

This morning there was a firmware update available for the K1 Max. I noticed it had added and “expert mode” (That leaves me out… :disappointed_relieved:)

Haven’t tried any of these yet but it looks like you would be able to adjust the Z Offset and Flow settings during a print…


Z Offset
Nozzle PID calibration

After setting it I can’t tell if I moved it up or down. Usually in the setting there is a “-” to let you know it’s closer…

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So far those that have updated have reported no issues which is a good sign. The Z offset adjustment and PID tests now being on the control panel makes so much more sense. Really great improvements!

Here is the changelog for

V1.3.3.5 Changelog:

New features:

  1. LiDAR flow calibration function reconstruction (K1Max only), compatible with CrealityPrint, Prusa, Orca slices, and supports calibration of harder materials such as PLA/PETG/ABS;
  2. Support speed gear adjustment, the speed mode is divided into silent/smooth (50%)/standard (100%)/extreme speed (125%);
  3. Added expert mode settings to support flow/Z-axis offset adjustment during printing and nozzle PID calibration;
  4. Support model skip function.

Firmware optimization:

  1. Optimize the material break detection logic;
  2. The chassis fan logic has been updated. It is no longer turned on by default when printing is started, and is controlled by the cavity temperature (default 35°C);
  3. Added Korean to the firmware language;
  4. Added material outage status display on the home page.


  1. Fixed the issue where the UI frequently crashed during the model skip printing process, resulting in a black screen and restart;
  2. Fixed the issue where the maximum heating bed temperature is inconsistent between the web version and the screen version;
  3. Fixed the issue where the app does not display surveillance video when synchronization between systems is not successful;
  4. Fixed the issue where the printing task did not exit due to abnormal printing file name.
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I’d definitely like to have a bit more info on how the z offset works. I tried to use it today, but I selected the 0.005 option to be cautions. It might have been too cautious since I couldn’t tell if it went up, down, or nowhere.

Normally if you set the Z Offset in the slicer you would use a setting of say “-.05” to move the nozzle closer to the bed and a “.05” to move further away.

On the machine setting when I used the down arrow to move .05 closer to the bed it doesn’t show a minus sign. You just have to remember which way you moved it…

What is great is that you can watch how the first layer is going when you adjust this. Unlike a slicer setting it goes back to zero after the print is done so you’d have to either reset it or go to the slicer and save that setting that works best…
Just my experience first time trying this out. If I got any of that wrong please yell at me… :loudspeaker:

Thanks. I didn’t realize the new z offset was done on the fly. That would make it easy to experiment.

As for Z offset in the slicer, Simplify3D has one, but I haven’t found that directly in Creality Print. The only thing I can find is in Shell, and labeled “Initial Layer Horizontal Expansion”. It sounds like that’s probably Z offset with an overly complicated name :slight_smile:

This setting is not done in real time. It also saves this setting for all projects whereas the one on the machine is just temporary so you can see what works best.

Dang, how did I miss that… Thanks!

You are Welcome sir.

I missed it many times myself … :disappointed_relieved:

I would use the real time one first to see what setting (if you need to set it) works for your machine.

@Nikoli On the latest update can you adjust the Z Offset real time on the K1 also or just the K1 Max…

Hey @jimandyen, yep the K1 functions identically to the K1 Max in regards to the new features such as Z offset, PID tests etc :slight_smile:

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No support for Simplify 3D???
Can i go back to

Not all slicers have been listed but you should find that Simplify3D will still work fine. Nothing significant changed in terms of the model processing so you should find that most slicers will work just as they did on earlier firmware revisions.

Jumping in here… With the new update I hear it is “open source” there is a way you can get the code and hack in and modify any config file you want and reek total havoc to your printer. It’s mostly klipper based which I am a total novice and have yet to upload and operate on my voron. The interesting upgrade is to the input shaping feature. K1 Max only shapes x and ignores y. On youtube modbot has a video that goes over the input shaper modification. The hacking i believe is called “rooting”

I believe it’s been in the last couple firmware updates where they have included in the menu where you can root the machine at your own risk.

Like yourself I am not knowledgeable enough to take advantage of that.

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Yes the latest firmware and the one prior allowed for rooting of the machine so you can install Fluidd/Moonraker and make modifications to your configuration files.

If you intend on rooting I would recommend using the Installation Helper Script for Creality K1 Series developed and maintained by Guilouz. The script has all the modifications for the K1 and K1 Max preprogrammed so you can just install the addons/mods and use them without too much configuration needed. They also have the input shaper fix available within the script installer.

Just to clarify… the printer only tests the Y axis (not the X axis) and applies the same value to the X axis in stock firmware. With the input shaper fix both axis will be test independently.

Here is a link to the helper script…
Installation Helper Script for Creality K1 Series

Thanks for emailing the Guilouz link to me. It is also included in the “outdated” video. Please feel free inform me of something I don’t know. Have a great day.

The installation helper script is constantly being updated every time a new firmware is released and quite often will actually be ahead of most released versions of the firmware as they tend to implement updates as soon as they can obtain a pre-release beta which are quite often released for testing purposes. YouTube videos however, become outdated as soon as a new firmware is released.

Even now updates are being made to the helper script, for example at the time of writing this reply an update was made within the past hour

Therefore the installation helper will always be more up to date than a YouTube video thats around 1 month old.