Layer shift on Ender V3 SE with nebula pad

So, I got the nebula pad for my Ender V3 SE and a week after using it it started to have layer shift problems. So, I tighten the belts which didn’t fix the problem and I am asking if anyone knows how to fix this because Creality services is not emailing me back on how to fix it.

I had the same with my V3SE connected to a sonic pad. I changed the y axis stepper current from 0.6A to 0.75A in the printer.cfg file, it has been perfect ever since. I accessed the file through Fluidd.

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Hey, thanks for helping me out. but, I am wonder how to change y axis stepper current from 0.6A to 0.75A?

By editing the printer.cfg file it is a text file, it can be accessed from Fluidd, well it can via a sonic pad dunno about a nebula pad.

Thank for for helping me I will try that

You may need to root the pad and do some other things to get Fluidd working properly.

Ok, so i slice it one creality print instead of creality cloud and it didn’t have that problem anymore.

never mind that print had a very slight layer swift that i didn’t see

finally, after watching many youtube video on how to get root access to my printer i got Fluidd working!

do you think this code will work

step_pin: PB11
dir_pin: PB10
enable_pin: !PB15
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 40
full_steps_per_rotation: 200
current: 0.75

finally fix it, change code to this which fixed problem.

[tmc2208 stepper_y]


interpolate: True


sense_resistor: 0.150

stealthchop_threshold: 0

this right here

Yes that is the bit I was talking about, I did screenshot it a while ago. Have read of people using 0.8A current but what you have done is what I meant on my post. I think we may have a timezone difference as I would have answered earlier.

thanks so much, I got it printing pretty good now and I learn so much trying to fix my printer!

Glad to have helped and a nice print.

I solved the problem by using creality print 4.8

Yes the older software would work absolutely fine it wasn’t until moving to the newer versions that I had to change the stepper current. Works flawlessly now no matter what slicer I use. Since the latest CPV6 doesn’t even see my 2 printers on the Sonic Pad or Qidi printer I have moved to Orca, that sees all 3 printers and can print to all of them.