Lidar for K1 / k1c

Hello, does anyone have any news about the lidar on the K1 or k1c? Here is my problem I installed the lidar, (lidar, cable …,) but for me today nothing works even though I have activated the option in the software it is recognized but does not work! any idea please?


Hi there it’s great to see that there is no support on this matter as it was supposed to be an option but maybe just forgotten now. Maybe we will get some luck in the near future :+1:

hello, little feedback from creality who tells me! (the installation can only be done on K1 MAX for the moment. K1C is not compatible) I have a hard time believing that one day the lidar will be compatible, knowing that the K2 comes out next year and the K1/K1c will no longer be their priority in terms of hardware and software :disappointed::disappointed:

Hello @julien_arnaud …! :wave:

Welcome to the Creality Forum…! Creality

In my experience with the K1 Max LiDar I don’t even think it’s worth using or fiddling with. I took mine off after the last nozzle change awhile back and everything prints fine. I can look at the first layer and tell without any laser to see if it’s set right.
Maybe some time in the future there will be a use for it but for now it’s in storage… :package:

I’m wondering how well the dual tool head and chamber camera system will work on the K2.

Looks like quite an improvement over the LiDar thingy… :crossed_fingers: