Ender 3V3+ is there a way to adjust the amount of filament that is extracted during the extract and retract function on the display, for when unloading and loading filament? It seems like an awful amount of filament is used for either process and I was looking to adjust the settings, but could not find a way to do so.
doesn’t seem to be, i was wanting to be able to have it extrude much faster myself, Theres a lot of things that i wish we had access to, I would also like the ability to skip the nozzle cleaning/pre print routine that takes like 5 min.
–right now though i just want the printer to actually work, it takes 4 or 5 tries to get it to start a print. it will throw random errors during the startup, or it will probe the bed and probe the air and go back and forth for 10 min etc.
the software or firmware needs serious updating.
Hello yorl,
I have the V3SE and am not aware of any difference there is between my printer and yours, but, I don’t use retract or extrude.
I simply pre heat to the filament type and when about 170---->
I push filament through till it comes out and when finished printing and the nozzle is still hot enough I pull it out.
Never had a problem.
exactly same here. But I just got some routine. First print I start always with calibration. I set the Z-Offset to 0.00. After having a sucessfull calibration I setup Z-Offset to -0.080 and that works.
When I forget to set Z-Offset to 0.00 I noticed that I have to double next print Z-Offset by having -0.160 instead of -0.08. However I guess after homing with a Z-Offset of -0.080 machine takes this as home.
I did notice that the newest firmware causes the extract to take a lot longer.
I have the Ender-3 V3 Plus firmware with no mods or root. Haven’t updated firmware for that reason.
Just wondering if maybe going back to would help. I basically have to press print and the machine works so it’s either the firmware, bad electronics or some mods causing your issues…
The Ender-3 V3 Plus and the Ender-3 V3 are very different from the V3SE.