Hello everyone,
It’s been a while since I’ve made a post and just wanted to say hi. Also I do have a question that I hope someone can answer it. So the thing is that I’ve been making these prints. Really easy and not difficult at all. But the problem with most of the prints that I find need assembled. For example I received a 3D printer kit for Christmas. So I decided to make a tool box that fits the tools. Turns out that the print needs assembled with M3 screws. Can anyone please point me in the right direction for ordering the right screws. I’ve looked on Amazon for them but I don’t know what exactly I’m supposed to be looking for.
All helps is greatly appreciated and thanked for.
Do you have a link to the toolbox that fits the tools? It might give more of a clue on screw length.
Yes here it is
Creality Cloud - Creality Box From Frikarte3D Creality Box | 3D models download | Creality Cloud
To quote from that build page:-
“For assembly you will need M3 screws or rods. I used 30mm length for the back and front holes and 40mm lenght for the handle. Buyed this ones: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_DnNc7IR Download the Creality Box today and celebrate your love for Creality with this awesome box!” So that says M3x30 and M3x40 socket cap allen screws black.
My screw and filament came into today.
Beyond the shared advice here, AliExpress is great for ordering metric hardware.
e.g. - https://www.aliexpress.us/item/2251832782168715.html
If I need five for a project -I’ll buy a few lots of 20 if the price is good and I’ll have for future projects or multiples of the one I’m doing.
Over time you can amass a collection that you will dip in to as needed when printing stuff.
A tip on searching - search on aliexpress for m3 cap head screw and then click on the orders button at the top of the results. Will give you the active vendors.
Threaded inserts are nice too. This is what I have now. I have been designing and printing for over five years and it took a few to built up my ‘hardware store’. If I use a particular screw and get low, I immediately reorder. It will take a few weeks to get here but I don’t need it immediately and can wait and will save some $.

Wire cutters like these are handy, if you buy M3x40 screws you can use these cutters to make them shorter, see where it says M3, screw the longer screw into that hole and snip you’ve just sheared the bolt to the right length.
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Interesting. How clean are the threads where you shear them?
They don’t seem to need filing down or anything. Funnily enough it was an electronics engineer that showed me that trick damn sight easier than hacksaw and file/grinder. Not tried it with stainless steel screws mind.
I may have to sacrafice a few bolts to the hardware gods to try this out!
That’s pretty cool!