My honest opinion about K2 Plus after two month

This great pinter is really best of all of Creality products.
But still less in assembly quality and software QC than Bambu. But it have something that Bambu havent.
After about two month, 300 prints and 20 kg of filaments (also high-temperature) i want to say this (mostly for Creality engeneers and managers).
My firmwares now and CFS 1.1.3, slicer is

Mechanical issues:

  1. Incossistent Z-offset for the first layer due to loosen screws after high-temperature prints (in the rail, in the hotend, in the levelling sensor strain gauge).
  2. PTFE tube connector on the extruder have big strain and, i think, now washer inside is broken on all 100% heavy used K2s. On mine case, parts of the broken washer blocks the noozle and the cutter. Cutter i’ve fixed, but noozle forced to spare. Better to have this connector to be spared (for example, PC4-M10).
  3. Glue on glass door hinges on some printers not holds.

CFS issues:

  1. One of three mine units have (as i found common) problem, defect filament encoder on the bottom, so often FB2846 and disconnecting PTFE from CFS. Disassembly and parts adjustment temporary helps, but, i think, encoder IC is defect, so i’m waiting for ordered new CFS bottom bracket kit.
  2. Better to have heat drying version (now i’m using CFS Space Pi mod), with control by firmware/slicer. All neccessary for this version i found inside the CFS.

Firmware/slicer issues:

  1. Unexpected response delays sometimes.
  2. Better to have three buttons in a stop menu (stop (immidiately), abort (job) and pause). Sometimes i cannot wait when the printer finish the routine for stopping.
  3. I need to have calibration option unchecked when i printed from the memory.
  4. When i prints from the slicer directly, it have different and wrong z-offset than i prints the same from printers memory. Same gcode, different results. All z-offsets, in the printer, and in the slicer was zero.
  5. I wants to have z-offset at filament options in the slicer.
  6. I wants to have camera in fluidd.
  7. AI printing detection often not working.

But, in general, i’m happy with this printer, and love it more than my bambus, even with big quantity of aborted jobs (for now).


Hopefully someone is listening

  1. Please also add layer count on the LCD display. Right now the layer count only displayed on the CS.
  2. And please please please turn off the extruder motor when idle. It causes excessive heat that propagates to the filament through the extruder gears, causing softening and filament jam inside the extruder.