My K2 made a strange grinding noise and there was a smell from the extruder

Hi, everybody
Please tell me if someone has also encountered a problem with the smell of burning or smoke from the extruder. The fact is that when the filament got stuck inside the extruder again, as usual, I already disassembled it to get out what was in the way. After that, I turned on the testing, it went fine. But when I put the seal back on, I heard a strange sound like iron rubbing against iron and smelled smoke or burnt rubber. There was no smoke, just a smell. I got scared and turned off the printer. To be honest, I’m in a bit of a state of shock.

Stick with your colleagues, remember that the problem is not only with you, it is all over the world with every k2 printer. We hope and believe that creality will be able to get through this period of their lives.

ps : I use Google translate. I apologize in advance for this.

Burned out stepper motor? Should be able to separate that out and test it on its own and see if it is that which smells. available on Aliexpress just in case you can’t get a warranty claim.

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Well, the technical support decided to refuse me any help. Just close 3 tickets. Since I bought my printer directly in China and flew with it to my country (since I believe that the domestic market in China has a better quality quality control service). I don’t have any receipts or anything else :frowning: the fact that I send the serial number and photos is not a fact of supporting my user. Creality, I trusted you for the last time. The printer managed to give me such errors in 3 weeks (see photo below iCloud Photos - Apple iCloud
iCloud Photos - Apple iCloud
iCloud Photos - Apple iCloud
iCloud Photos - Apple iCloud
iCloud Photos - Apple iCloud
And also the other day the blower fan started to hum terribly (watch video iCloud Photos - Apple iCloud) I have no more arguments to prove that I honestly bought my printer and invested my 2000 dollars in the company. I hope you get your life lesson. Have a nice holiday, Chinese New Year! This is my last Creality printer :frowning: