I have had a lot of problems with this printer. And this morning it finally died. Hopefully Creality will take this seriously now and take care of this.
Here is a video of is failing to start properly if anyone cares.
I have had a lot of problems with this printer. And this morning it finally died. Hopefully Creality will take this seriously now and take care of this.
Here is a video of is failing to start properly if anyone cares.
it seems to me that your stepper is going in the opposite direction maybe the wire needs to be swapped
… if it worked before and now suddenly it doesn’t… wires don’t swapp themselves…
I’ve got a K1 Max that is only extruding when I choose for retract… must be a firmware error… but this is something completely different.
My printer still randomly gets these kinds of errors but at least it pretends to function a little bit before throwing these errors.
I wonder if there is something wrong with the firmware or the control boards. If the control boards were prone to go bad, I think it would explain some of the random, unexplainable errors some of us are getting on these $1500 bricks
Hi, this is similar to whats happening with my Ender 3 V3 plus printer! I have contacted Creality support was given 7 steps to check things out one was to check if the wires were in the wrong place. A bit insulting given I had been using it for a few months. I just have to do and record a few more things and send that to them. Well…
No tengo experiencia con otras impresoras, pero si con electrĂłnica de este tipo.
Parece que al hacer segĂşn que paso (descubrirlo es la clave y lo difĂcil), hace venirse abajo a la impresora, puede ser un cortocircuito y que por seguridad, simplemente se apague.
Yo probarĂa a desconectar motores y sensores previos al error, pero no los Ăşltimos, es decir, si despuĂ©s de ese movimiento lo que hace es calentar cama, o subirla o mover el cabezal en otra direcciĂłn, o incluso ese mismo motor.
Evidentemente el test no continuará, porque le faltan componentes conectados para continuar, pero es posible que si “eliminas” el cortocircuito, al menos la maquina, no se apague.
Luego de comprobar si se mantiene encendida, apagas, conectas un cable y vuelves a probar…, asà cada vez hasta que des con el que provoca el fallo cuando va a funcionar.
Puede ser desde un motor averiado a un fotosensor o un simple cable pelado que toca en algo al moverse el cabezal y hacer contacto.
AsĂ acotas un poco la zona del error.
What’s in “detail” in the error codes ?
They agreed that the issue is the control board and/or stepper motors. So they are replacing it all. Parts are on the way.
Hello SouthernReels,
That is great news
A shame that many others have not been looked after so far,
Hopefully they soon will also.