Seeking help and opinions…
I have a stock basic Ender-3 (3D), which originally had a 4.2.2 board (the board was essentially bricked for reasons not important here, but there’s a reason I’m asking community for help… :-).
I purchased and installed a brand new 4.2.7 board and immediately having problems. Starting with the printers “about” display returning that it’s a 4.2.2 firmware (which I assume is an issue?), but the major problem is that it will not drive the X, Y or Z axes, which also means “Auto Home” fails with the error message “Homing Failed: PRINTER HALTED”.
Note that I am able to control the extruder and bed temperatures, so those signals work.
I have verified that the cables are all connected to the proper locations, they’re all secured tight and they match the board markings.
Really hoping for recommendations and any experiences you may have – I have limited time before I have to remove the board and return it as faulty, and hoping I can avoid all of that…
Thanks in advance!