New Motherboard & Root or Use existing BTTECHTREE board

I just got a new K1 Max, had it for about 4 months and I never use the front panel display except for extruding/retracting which is not in the Creality Print or other features not available remotely.

One day a last week I went to change the filament and the front display would went out. I had trouble installing the ribbon cable in the back so I figured it was lose, nope so I opened case to check other end and was surprised to find the cable had come unglued from the printer and rubbed against the axis belt. Why that was not a more secure clamp other than a dab of glue escapes me. But when it hit the axis it got ripped from the connector on the MB and broke the black hold down clamp.

I have tried holding it down with tape, all kinds of tricks but the panel never comes back on, there are rub marks and exposed wires on the cable where it hit the axis cable. So I am assuming the worst I need a new panel and board.

I have contacted Creality several times, but have not had a response yet, which frustrates me.

Since I had planned on probably rooting the printer down the road as there are a lot of features in basic slicers I am missing and used to using. If I should go ahead and move up the timeline and just put a new board in the printer.

I already have a BTT SKR 3 EZ fairly new board and a Pi 5 already ready to go as I had setting up an older printer but decided the frame was not up to what I wanted/needed.

Is it worth the hassle to simply use this board? Is there another board option that is a more direct replacement - as some of the creality replacement boards I have found are out.

Hopefully I will hear from Creality, but I want to get back to printing the whole idea with the new printer was to reduce downtime.