the screen on this ender 3 v2 is blank. it has the 4.2.2 board & the st brand microchip but i cannot figure out how to fix it. it has a cr touch on it but im brand new to all things 3d printing! please any help would be greatly appreciated… thank you
I would first check that the flatcable in the displaybox has not come loose. That would result in a not powered screen.
If it is not this, check all connectors. If they are plugged as they should be.
And if they are ok, I would have a look at moving wires. There may be something shorting out that may result in your display not working.
If you have someone with the same printer, you could see if his display is working on your maschine to narrow down the problem to the display.
How many hours has the printer run?
Do you still have warranty?
i bought it used but everything checks out ok. im thinking it has something to do with the firmware since it happened when i tried to update it when i had no business doing so. i just couldn’t make it print right… i have since figured out i have the 4.2.2 main board with the st but i am unsure which file i need. i also have the cr touch installed.
You may need to update the firmware for the display.
Ender-3 V2 Software& Firmware Download - Creality 3D Printer
GD-Ender-3 V2-Marlin2.0.8.2-HW-V4.2.2-SW-V1.0.7_E_N_BLTouch 29 Nov. 2022
Release Notes
Printer: Ender-3 V2
Printer Mainboard: V4.2.2
Notes: The firmware is Ender-3V2 CR-touch/BL-touch version.
Display firmware update:
Format the TF card on the computer side, and select 4096 for the allocation unit size.
Put the file “private、TJC_SET、DWIN_SET” into the TF card.
Turn off the printer and insert the TF card into the card slot on the back of the screen.
Reboot and wait for the update to finish.
After finishing the update, remove the TF card and delete the files inside.
Mainboard firmware update:
Format the TF card on the computer side, and select 4096 for the allocation unit size.
Put the firmware file “GD-Ender-3 V2-Marlin2.0.8.2-HW-V4.2.2-SW-V1.0.7_E_N_BLTouch.bin” into the root directory of TF card.
Turn off the printer and insert the TF card into the card slot on the motherboard.
Reboot and wait for the update to finish.
After finishing the update, remove the TF card from the motherboard slot and delete the bin file inside.
hi bill, and thank you for your help… im going to trythe process again but i did try it
once already and the screen did luminate black for about 2 seconds then switched to blue for about 5 seconds then ultimately switched to red which is where it stayed, on a blank red screen!
so as i said, im gonna try again & with my fingers crossed & will get back to you with my
results… thank you once again & wish me luck… have a great day!
jeff wise