Got my Ender 3V3 Plus delivered today and assembled it. Now first question:
I pushed the teflon tube into the hole on the print head. But now it is stuck, can’t pull it out without also pulling out the silver piece. What am I doing wrong?
The USB stick that came with the printer doesn’t work on my PC as a normal USB storage devie.
It depends on how the USB stick is formatted. If the size of the stick is up to 32GB, it needs to be formatted as FAT32. Anything above 32GB should be formatted for NTFS. FAT32 should run on most systems unless the USB stick holds very large files
I had the same issue. I got a SD-USB converter + Mini-SD. I removed the mini-sd to put it into my V2 Neo. The whole SD got destroyed. There is no fixing that unfortunately. Best thing to do is buying a new one
Must be a running theme for Creality printers. My V3SE would quite happily devour SD cards, so glad for the Sonic pad, probably paid for itself in cards.