While the camera of my shiny new K2 is working fine via port :8000 and in the Creality Cloud app, the built-in Fluidd server cannot connect to it. There obviously is some kind of fix to this ( GitHub - DnG-Crafts/K2-Camera: a work around to get the camera working in fluidd ) but I’d prefer not to root my printer and I’m hoping for either an incoming firmware upgrade or a root-less approach.
Does anyone know a solution?
The K2 does not need to be rooted! It just the password you need to get access to the printers command line and files. You don not really ‘root’ the K2 like you needed with other machines because it has all applications already in place, no need for rooting!
I have DnG-Crafts/K2-Camera work around installed and it works well. I don’t believe Creality will change that because they are asking you to use Creality Print Device tab to see the camera.
I had already a chat on that with Customer service and they say it’s not their intention to use fluidd directly.
Well, but I do need root access rights to replace /usr/share/moonraker (or even ssh into the device), don’t I? So I need to hit the “you are root - your warranty is void” button in the menu, to solve the issue, correct?
The stance of Customer Service is disappointing but not completely unexpected. Well, I’d prefer if they took their “everything is there already, we’re playing well with the klipper ecosystem” advertisement stance seriously…
Aaand - good to hear that somebody had a good experience with the DnG-Crafts solution. Thanks!