No print files displayed on Ender3 Pro

I have two Ender3 Pro’s and they both exhibit the same exact problem. When I copy a file to an SD card using Creality Slicer, it is not diplayed on the Ender3 screen. The only line I see is to return to the Mail screen. I have formatted the SD card as ‘MBR/FAT32’. SD Card size is 4 GB. File names are short about 8 charcters. I can see the file from Explorer on my computer on that USB drive. Do I need to create a specific ‘folder’ on the SD card? What suffix (type) should the files be? SD card socket works as I have sucessfully updated the firmware. Board is Ver 4.2.2.

Die Karte muss nicht bootfähig sein, ganz normal formatiert reicht. :wink: