No USB Printing with Creality Print 5.1?

I selected that I have an Ender 3 S1 Pro in the setup, but it wants the IP address. I print via USB, however don’t see a way to select USB Printing…just says LAN. Am I missing something?

Instead of print plate choose export plate, click the up arrow beside print plate. This will allow you to write the gcode to disk/USB.

next to LAN choose ^ save/export file.

that is the way in the old 5.1 version

So, I did that, but it exports my gcode file…how can I “push” this to the printer?

To be specific, I have a USB cable running from a machine to the printer, so it’s technically a COM device (the old version of Creality Print recognizes this).

I’m not seeing this?

Sorry I thought you were writing to a stick and physically using that to print from.

Sorry I wasn’t clear. I also thought it would let me stream the gcode to the printer with the method you mentioned via a USB port…but alas…that’s not the case?

When you save the file to local the file is on the printer sd card and you can print right away from the printer.

With the slicer you can also give a direct print command to the printer of a certain plate/file.

The machine cannot communicate through usb port with a cable that is not possible.

Communication goes by wifi or a cable connected to the networkport of the printer.

well that’s it in a nutshell.

But the poster said they used to be able to do it on previous versions. Perhaps going back to a previous version? Ive looked on 4.3.8 and 5.1.6 and I can’t see how it would work.

I’m having the same issue, cannot print via USB cable from Creality Print 5.1 to Creality Ender 3 V3 SE 3D Printer

If I export the .STL file and load it with Cura I am able to USB print directly to the printer just fine so clearly it is possible (e.g. the hardware supports this) its just a question of Creality not implementing this feature in the Creality Print software.

Same Issue here, but not only with Creality Print, also with Orca Slicer :frowning:

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I use USB direct printing when printing small test pieces to check and change tollerences etc. before printing the big model (which I would then rather print from the SD card). This (USB) printing thus allow for quick prints without having to anything to do anything except clearing the printbed.
Cura still supports USB printing but I have gotton so used to Creality Print and Orca Slicer that I realy don’t like Cura anymore (after using it for many years)

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Don’t know if it works but can you slice with Orca/Creality Print, save the gcode and send it via Cura?