Noisy psu fan k1c

Anyone else who has the same problem?
After a print is finished, some of the fans runs for a while but the fan for the psu never stop.

It goes on and on until I turn the whole thing of…

Anyone got any solution for this?
Best regards /Magooo

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Are you sure it is the PSU fan and not the Motherboard fan?

Yup, the same. And I assumed it was a PSU fan. I didn’t even consider a motherboard fan. Why would a motherboard fan need to run when the printer is doing nothing? Same question for a PSU fan. And, even while it’s printing, why would there even need to be a motherboard fan? Printing can’t be all that computationally intense–all it’s doing is moving a print head to coordinates specified in the G-Code, or throttling fans…oh, wait, it is for the AI?!?

Yeah. I was wondering the same sort of thing. Why the endless fan?


To cool down the processor from the heat up from your last print. A high task load (like printing) will cause it to heat up.

Mine runs for quite a while, but it eventually does shut off. If I just walk away and come back an hour later, all is quiet, so it does finally take a rest. :slight_smile:


Keep in mind that the K1 boards have an RPi clone processor and MCU processor that need to be kept below a temp so they can run at full speed.

The PSU fan only runs while the PSU is under a load (bed & hotend heaters) and will turn off when that load is removed.

My K1C seems to be noisy all the time too. It seems much louder than it needs to be.

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I have a temprature around 16 degres celsius in the room with the k1c, so it should be cooled quickly after its done.

I see that some of you have the same issue, but it turns of after a while. I have had mine up and running for 24h and it still doesnt turn of…anoying as xxx.

Understand that it goes on under load, but after it been idle for a couple of hours it should turn off.

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could be…it´s a fan underneath the bed at least.

Edit: Checked now, and it is the psu fan that runs non stop.

I have 6 FDM machines from 3 manufacturers and all of them the PSU fan runs continuously. I’ll put money my on my resin printer PSU fan runs continuously too.

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Strange…Doesnt run when your turn it on, so why cant it shut down after a while.

Maybe change it? or doesnt that help due to some controller thingy?

It could be the Z motor, if enabled to keep the bed position. I noticed its heating a lot regarding the actual position. Try to add some motor off in the end of print gcode

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My K1C fan runs for 20 minutes or so after the print terminates, but then it stops. After that, the printer sits there silent. I can’t see where it should run for hours.