well its been a year and still no help or support for this turd they unloaded on me.
this thing was built busted, and they would not stand behind it,
just thought you all should know what a bunch of crooks your dealing with.
Care to elaborate on your statement.
I am not saying customer service at Creality is perfect, but my issue was solved in a reasonable time.
3D printing is an art, and it takes time, perseverance and extra cash to get things working as you would like.
I have found this forum to be very supportive, lots on here have the SE like me, have you posted your issues before?
I spent 4 days trying to get this thing to print,
only to find out it has a faulty flat cable going
to the extruder. it would always alarm and show
low nozzle temp, but it was hot enough to melt
the fan duct in the shroud and set off the smoke
detecter, Irony huh, anyway, I could move the cable
back and forth and watch the temp go up and down.
I got a print out of it. needs a cable for sure.
2nd. had I known that this model would not
connect to my computer, or the new sonic pad I
bought to go with it, I wouldn’t have bought it.
I now know that there are 3 different 3 V3 models
if this thing can be upgraded to work with USB
lets do it. even if I got to pay a little more, but its
useless to me as is.this my 4th attempt to contact