Well the files are a STL so it’s compatible. Have you tried re formatting the USB drive? I’m assuming you’re using a USB drive or are the Enders S1 lan/wifi? I have a K1 so I’m more familiar with that.
Have you tried printing anything els?
The one thing that was able to print have you re tried printing that again? I don’t mean fully print it but it starts to do a first layer where as you’re saying it does jack now. I’m asking because maybe something is wrong with the printer and now it’s just not printing anything. It would be a good way to figure out is it a file issue or something bigger.
I have generated the g-codes on a MacBook. I tried 2 different slicer programs.
Creality Slicer v. and Creality Print v.4.3.8-6984
Now I tried on a Windows PC with Creality Print v.4.3.8-6984 and that worked
So it must be a problem with the IOS software.
I tried to compare the g-code files, but there are a lot of differences. I also uploaded all 3 versions to an online g-code validator, and all were valid.
But I found a solution, and will use a Windows PC in the future.
I would recommend checking for firmware updates for the printer and would also recommend checking the probe if you have one attached to the printer. Sometimes the probe can get stuck and cause the printer to stall the print process and indicate 100% on the screen.
Just for another answer here, I have had this exact issue a couple times and each time it came down to the gcode file being messed up in a less-than-obvious way. I edited the gcode file with notepad and noticed the first time that a semicolon was missing where there should have been one. And this time the issue appears to have been extra spaces on the lines that are blank. Removing those and resaving the file on the SD card fixed the issue and it’s now printing my mount and I’m happy again. Hope this helps.