Will the Otter capture to an Android device or is the app only for use with the Scan Bridge? Would really like to know before I drop $400 on a handle with wifi. Thanks
Answered my own question. Tried it with my back-up S9 and it works. With some caveats. The frame rate is horrible and processing is painfully slow. But hey, it works.
I have tried with Huawei P30 Pro, it worked, but uselessly slow.
But NOW I can’t connect it anymore. Maybe some automatic fw or app update prevents this?
Mark, which fw and app verison did you use wneh you succed to connect Otter to S9?
There is a clear note in app FAQ:
"Otter/Raptor/RaptorX have higher power consumption requirements, so the CrealityScan app PROHIBITS this connection method.
Did Creality forget that a USB 2.0 cable is included, intended solely for additional power supply?