Out of the Box K1 - LCD not working

Just pulled my new K1 out of the box, walked through the setup, verified my voltage, turned on the machine, and the LCD is just showing lines (like a bad signal or broken panel). I have no text or buttons on the screen. I even tried reseating the cable (i.e.: bad connection), nothing useful is displaying.

Anyone have any suggestions?

I know on my K1’s you had to install the screen, check the ribbon cable that is fully seated.

I tried to reseat it a couple of times - even verified if the connection could be inserted incorrectly. Ended up using Facebook Messenger to try to get help from Creality Customer Support - unfortunately its international time zone tag.

Sorry you are having that problem with the screen. Very frustrating especially on a new machine.
Are you able to print anything using the PC to see if anything else is wrong. See if the camera, lights etc is working. Could be a power supply…? Just so you’ll have an idea what to tell Creality.

The unit powers up (fan, light, screen). I haven’t been able to do the software setup yet. Since I can’t select anything I can’t pick a language, join the network, etc. Just to make sure I wasn’t crazy, I don’t see an ethernet port on the K1.

I would take the bottom cover off the machine and check all the connections. Especially the ribbon cable going to the screen… Just to make sure everything is plugged in properly… I wouldn’t know where everything goes but if something is loose then that’s something to fix…
Also make sure the outlet is supplying proper power or try another one. Never know. :upside_down_face:

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I am having the same issue after unboxing. However, my screen just stays dark.

I ended up contacting Customer Support through Facebook Messenger - they have shipped a new LCD. Just waiting for it to arrive.

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Just an update. Creality sent the new LCD and my K1 is working (and printing and printing).


Glad to hear…!!! :+1: So it looks like the LCD screen was faulty…

Have fun…!!!